Johannes Beutler, English Publications

2017. A Commentary on the Gospel of John. Translated by ?. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans.

2012. “Jesus on the Way to Galilee. The Movement of the Word in John 1-4.” Melita Theologica 62: 7-22

2011. Do not be afraid. The First Farewell Discourse in John’s Gospel (Jn 14). New Testament Studies in Contextual Exegesis/Neutestamentliche Studien zur kontextuellen Exegese 6. Frankfurt am Main: Lang.

2009. “Reading I John from the Perspective of an Affluent World.” Pages 281-286 in: P. Béré al., Pauvreté e richesse dans la Bible / Poverty and Riches in the Bible. Actes du troisième congrès de l’Association Panafricaine des Exégètes Catholiques / Proceedings of the Thirtieth Congress of the Panafrican Association of Catholic Exegetes, Johannesburg, du 02 au 08 septembre 2007, Kinshasa 2009, 281-286 [Vgl. Nr. 106].

2010. “John, Epistles of.” Page 651 in Cambridge Dictionary of Christianity. Edited by Daniel Patte. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2008. “Resurrection and the Forgiveness of Sins. John 20:23 against Its Traditional Background.” Pages 237-251 in The Resurrection of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Edited by Craig R. Koester, R. Bieringer. WUNT 222. Tübingen: Mohr.

2007. “In Search of a New Synthesis.” Pages 23-34 in What We have Heard From the Beginning. The Past, Present, and Future of Johannine Studies. T. Thatcher. Waco, Texas: Baylor University Press.

2006. Judaism and the Jews in the Gospel of John. SubBi 30. Roma: Editrice Pontificio Istituto Biblico.

2005. “1, 2, and 3 John.” Pages 553-558 in Global Bible Commentary. Edited by in: D. Patte et al. Nashville: Abingdon Press 2005, 553-558.

2003. “The Jewish people and their scriptures in the Christian Bible.” ThD 50: 103-109.

2002. “Faith and Confession: The Purpose of John.” Pages 19-31 in: Word, Theology, and Community in John (FS R. Kysar). Edited by J. Painter, R. A. Culpepper, and F. F. Segovia. St. Louis, Missouri: Chalice Press.

2002. The Jewish People and their Sacred Scripture in the Christian Bible. A new document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission: SIDIC 35 (2002 English Edition), 52-53.

2002. “Jesus in Conflict: History and Theology in John 5 – 12.” SIDIC. Service International de documentation judéo-chrétienne, vol. XXXIV N° 3 – 2001, vol. XXXV N° 1 – 2002, English Edition, 2-7.

2001. “Synoptic Jesus Tradition in the Johannine Farewell Discourse.” Pages 165-173 in Jesus in Johannine Tradition. Edited by R. T. Fortna, and T. Thatcher. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press.

2001. “The Identity of the ‘Jews’ for the Readers of John.” Pages 229-238 in Anti-Judaism and the Fourth Gospel. Papers of the Leuven Colloquium. Edited by R. Bieringer, D. Pollefeyt, F. Vandecasteele-Vanneuville. Jewish and Christian Heritage Series, 1. Assen (NL): Royal Van Gorcum.

1998. “The Role of the Theological Faculties Within the Existing Context of Identity claims: The Western European Perspective.” Pages 225-233 in L. Vachon (dir.), L’universalité catholique face à la diversité humaine. Actes de la 7e Assemblée générale des Institutions Catholiques de Théologie (CICT) (Sherbrooke 1er au 6 août 1996). Montréal-Paris: Médiaspaul.

1996. “The Use of ‘Scripture’ in the Gospel of John.” Pages 147-162 in Exploring the Gospel of John: In Honor of D. M. Smith. Edited by R. A. Culpepper, and C. C. Black. Louisville, Kentucky: Westminster John Knox.

1994. “Two Ways of Gathering. The plot to kill Jesus in John 11,47-53.” NTS 40: 399-406.

1992. “Peacemaking, Peacemakers.” Page 212 in ABD 5.

1992. “Peace not of this world?.” Theology Digest 39 (1992) 131-135.

1991. “Response from a European Perspective.” Pages 191-202 in The Fourth Gospel From a Literary Perspective. Edited by R. A. Culpepper, and F. F. Segovia. Semeia 53. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press.

1990. “Greeks Come to See Jesus (John 12,20f).” Biblica 71: 333-347.