
Welcome. This is the blog of Wayne Coppins. I am Professor of Religion at the University of Georgia, where I have taught since 2007. I specialize in New Testament Studies/Early Christianity, and my teaching and research interests are currently focused on the Synoptic Gospels. I am also strongly committed to fostering increased dialogue between German and English scholarship in the field, a commitment that is most evident in my co-editorship, with Simon Gathercole, of the academic series Baylor-Mohr Siebeck Studies in Early Christianity. For further information about my intellectual biography and research, see here.

17 thoughts on “About

  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! I’m excited to have found your blog as a newbie to German. I’ll be making mention of it on my blog because I know that there are others who will benefit from what you have to say.

    • Wayne, I am very excited to see this blog. I believe we met at SECSOR several years ago. I too studied in Germany, completing my theologische Zwischenprüfung at Humboldt Uni Berlin in the late 90s when Jens Schröter was still there. Glad to see someone highlighting German NT scholarship for the US audience!. I am looking forward to reading your blog.

  2. This is the perfect site for those of us struggling on our own to learn theological German. Thank you so much for the obvious time investment you are making.

  3. Pingback: Public lecture by Christoph Markschies: ‘Origen and Paul: the example of their anthropologies’ | Biblical Studies online

  4. I just stumbled across this blog and immediately am thrilled by its benefits for me and my fledgling forays with theological German as an entering NT PhD student this fall. Thank you for all your effort in keeping this up.

  5. I look forward to reading your blog extensively! I study Bible and theology at college, and also German on my own. I am interested in taking a trajectory that leads possibly to studying at the Ph.D. level in Theology, possibly in Germany. I was hoping to get some advice!

  6. Hey Wayne. Just stumbled upon this side while searching for Jörg Frey. As a native german now residing in San Francisco, CA this sounds really awesome. Excited to read what you have!

  7. Hello Wayne. Such a helpful resource. I check it regularly. Do you keep an updated list of German NT commentaries? If it is here, I could not find it, and if you know where such a list is regularly updated, I would love to see it. Thanks!

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