
For an interesting article on how to prepare for exams, see here.

Information for All Students

If you have found this blog, then I assume you might be interested in identifying more useful resources for studying Early Christianity on the web. If so, I recommend beginning with New Testament Gatewaybiblicalstudiesonline, and STEP. For further guidance, see my resource pages, which can be found here (general), here (links and reading suggestions), here (German Resources), and here (audio-video material).

Information for Undergraduate Students

UGA Students are encouraged to consult the information available on our Departmental Website.

Students interested in pursing a career in New Testament Studies are encouraged to consult the document “A Roadmap for Aspiring New Testament Scholars“.

For a helpful article on using secondary literature in New Testament research, see here. For a helpful list of journals and series, see here.

Information for MA Students

Prospective M.A. students are encouraged to consult my information page (here) and the Department of Religion website (here).

You may also wish to consult my document “A Roadmap for Aspiring New Testament Scholars”.

Advice for your academic journey can also be found here.

Links to some of the major journals in the field can be found here and here.

For a few attempts to rank journals in New Testament studies, see  Head/McGrathWilhiteGupta; cf. also NT Gateway

For a helpful article on using secondary literature in New Testament research, see here.

For a helpful post on how to conduct yourself at conferences, see here and here.

William Ross also has some helpful resources on Biblical Studies Societies and Conferences here.

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